11 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds For Adoption [Goodbye Allergies]

cat in background and text showing 11 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds For Adoption

If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies, then consider one of these 11 hypoallergenic cat breeds for adoption.

Do you want a pet that will not cause allergies? If you do then you’ve come to the right place.

Cats are one of the most popular pets, but they can cause severe allergic reactions in some people. Fortunately, hypoallergenic cat breeds are available, significantly reducing the risk of allergies. Let’s talk about 11 of these hypoallergic cat breeds.

Introduction: 11 Hypoallergic Cat Breeds For Adoption

Are you in search of a pet that already has allergies? Here is the list of 11 hypoallergenic cat breeds for adoption.

  1. Siberian: Long Hair, Playful
  2. Cornish Rex: Short Hair, Inquisitive
  3. Devon Rex: Soft Fur, Affectionate
  4. Balinese: Shiny Coat, Social
  5. Sphynx: Hairless, Loving
  6. Javanese: Vocal, Intelligent
  7. Russian Blue: Quiet, Gentle
  8. Oriental Shorthair: Friendly, Active
  9. Oriental Longhair: Elegant, Curious
  10. Bambino: Dwarf Breed, Cuddly
  11. LaPerm: Curly Fur, Lively

From Siamese to Siberian, we can see them in all shapes as well as different sizes. They are not only low-allergy cats but also eligible to be great companions. Their intelligence is high level and they also come with affectionate personalities.

Let’s discuss each of them in detail so you can have a better idea of which one to choose among them.

1. Siberian: Long Hair, Playful

Adopting a pet is an extremely rewarding and unique experience that has the potential to bring you joy and companionship. Siberian cats are considered one of the best hypoallergenic cat breeds for adoption.

These cats known for their long silky coats are naturally hypoallergenic and ideal for those who suffer from mild allergies or asthma.

Siberian cats have a very friendly temperament, making them excellent family pets. They are extremely intelligent and can even learn tricks such as handshaking.

These beautiful cats also come in a variety of colors and patterns, so you can find one that matches your home decoration perfectly.

2. Cornish Rex: Short Hair, Inquisitive

Adopting a hypoallergenic cat breed can be a rewarding experience for any pet parent.

If you’re looking for a hypoallergenic cat breed that will love you unconditionally, the Cornish Rex is an excellent choice. Since its discovery in Cornwall, England in the 1950s, this loyal and fun-loving breed has captivated hearts all over the world.

The Cornish Rex has a distinct short, curly coat that distinguishes it from other breeds. It has a single layer of fur on its coat, making it hypoallergenic and ideal for people who suffer from allergies or asthma.

Furthermore, this rare breed is known for its high intelligence and playful personality, making them excellent family pets. They’ve even been dubbed “the greyhound of cats” due to their athletic nature.

3. Devon Rex: Soft Fur, Affectionate

Do you desire to acquire hypoallergenic cat breeds for adoption? The Devon Rex may be just right for you. This remarkable, lively breed has an outgoing and playful disposition. Its curled coat and big ears give it a very attractive look.

The Devon Rex is among the most popular purebred hypoallergenic cat breeds, as it tolerates lower dander than many other breeds.

Being hypoallergenic reduces the chance of pet allergies in homes with owners prone to such sensitivities. This makes Devon Rexes an ideal companion pet or family member for pet owners with sensitivities. But this isn’t the only thing the Devon Rex has going for it.

They are also extremely intelligent and loving. Devon Rexes respond well to training and learn quickly. They’re also quite active, so they require a lot of toys, playtime, and exercise to keep them entertained.

4. Balinese: Shiny Coat, Social

The popularity of hypoallergenic cat breeds for adoption is growing as people seek ways to alleviate their allergies. If you enjoy cats but suffer from pet allergies, the Balinese may be the right cat for you.

The Balinese is a long-haired cat breed indigenous to Thailand. This breed has become popular among those who suffer from pet allergies due to its friendly demeanor and distinct appearance.

In comparison to other cat breeds, the Balinese produce less of the Fel d 1 protein, which causes allergic reactions in humans.

This means that these cats can provide much-needed relief to allergy sufferers while still providing all of the love and companionship that any other cat breed can.

5. Sphynx: Hairless, Loving

Are you a cat lover who suffers from allergies when around them? If this is the case, you might want to look into the Sphynx hypoallergenic cat breeds for adoption.

This one-of-a-kind and affectionate breed is known for being particularly hypoallergenic, making it an ideal pet for those who react to other cats.

Because of their intelligence, loyalty, and friendly demeanor, Sphynx cats are frequently described as having a dog-like personality.

They are very active cats who enjoy playing and exploring their surroundings, making them a lot of fun to be around.

Also, if you’re concerned about excessive shedding, don’t be. Because this breed is hairless, it will not leave fur on your furniture or clothes like some other breeds.

6. Javanese: Vocal, Intelligent

The Javanese breed is a good choice if you want to adopt a hypoallergenic cat breed.

This rare and unique breed is one of the most adored types of cats on the planet. They make an excellent companion for anyone who suffers from allergies but still wants to share their home with a furry friend, thanks to their long, silky coats.

So, why should you go with a Javanese? These cats are well-known for being extremely intelligent and friendly, and they will quickly become a member of your family. They are also very social and enjoy interacting with people and other animals.

Furthermore, because they do not shed as much as some other breeds, your house will not be covered in dander or fur.

7. Russian Blue: Quiet, Gentle

If you want to adopt a beautiful hypoallergenic cat breed, the Russian Blue is an excellent choice.

These cats are extremely popular among pet owners due to their:

  • Luxurious coats
  • Bright green eyes
  • Affectionate personalities

They have a gentle and calm demeanor, making them ideal companions for families of all sizes.

The Russian Blue has short, dense fur that appears blue-gray due to its silver tips.

This fur is not only extremely soft to the touch, but it also helps keep allergens from floating around the house, making it an ideal pet for people with allergies or asthma.

Furthermore, because they do not shed frequently, the breed is known for being low maintenance in terms of grooming.

8.  Oriental Shorthair: Friendly, Active

Do you have allergies but want to have a cat? Then for you, we have Oriental Shorthair which may be the ideal hypoallergenic cat breeds for adoption.

This lovely feline is well-known for its good looks and adaptability. It’s also extremely friendly, making it an excellent companion for any allergic person looking to adopt a pet.

You’ll love the sleek profile and striking eyes of an Oriental Shorthair as your new pet. Their faces are frequently triangular, with long whiskers and large round eyes that can be green, blue, or even yellow.

They are also excellent hunters and are frequently used to capture mice or rats in homes or businesses. Because their coats tangle easily, these cats may require more grooming than other breeds.

9. Oriental Longhair: Elegant, Curious

The Oriental Longhair cat breed is hypoallergenic and may be ideal for those looking for a new feline family member.

This breed of cat has extremely low dander, making it ideal for allergy sufferers. They have an exotic appearance and can make wonderful companions in their new home if given enough love and attention.

These cats have long, silky fur that comes in a variety of colors and patterns, allowing them to blend in with any home décor or lifestyle.

They also have large ears that give them an alert appearance, as well as almond-shaped eyes that sparkle when they’re happy.

Despite their exotic appearance, these cats are surprisingly laid back. They enjoy being around people but also enjoy having time alone to nap or explore their surroundings.

10. Bambino: Dwarf Breed, Cuddly

If you’re looking for a hypoallergenic cat breed, the Bambino is a great choice. These feline pals are small in stature but big in personality.

These cats, which typically weigh 6 to 8 pounds, have a stout build and short legs that give them an endearingly unique appearance. Bambinos, who typically have soft, silky coats of white or cream fur, are relatively easy to care for due to their low grooming requirements.

The intelligence and curiosity of this breed distinguish it from other hypoallergenic cats. Bambinos are full of energy and life and make wonderful playmates who enjoy nothing more than chasing yarn or participating in puzzle toys.

11. LaPerm: Curly Fur, Lively

Do you suffer from allergies but still want to have a pet? Are you looking for hypoallergenic cat breeds for adoption? Take a look at the LaPerm.

The LaPerm is an affectionate and playful hypoallergenic cat breed that will fit in with most households. They are known for their curly fur and outgoing personalities, making them an excellent choice for allergy sufferers.

This rare breed of cat was discovered in 1982 on a farm in Oregon, where it quickly gained a devoted following due to its distinct characteristics.

They have since gained popularity among cat lovers who want to adopt a furry friend without triggering their allergies. The LaPerm is low-maintenance and friendly, and it comes in a variety of colors, including browns and oranges.


Q1. What is the number 1 hypoallergenic cat?

Because all cats produce allergens, there is no single hypoallergenic cat breed. Some cats, however, are thought to be less allergenic than others. Because of its dense coat and low levels of Fel d 1 protein, which is the primary cause of allergies in humans, the Siberian cat is frequently cited as the top hypoallergenic cat breed.
The Siberian cat has a long, thick coat that traps allergens and keeps them out of the air. It also produces less Fel d 1 protein than other breeds, making it less likely to cause allergic reactions in allergy sufferers. This breed is also known for being very friendly and affectionate towards its owners.
While there is no single hypoallergenic cat breed, due to its dense coat and low levels of Fel d 1 protein, the Siberian cat is widely regarded as the best option for people with allergies.

Q2. What cats are hypoallergenic and cheap?

There are several cat breeds that are hypoallergenic, which means they produce fewer allergens than other cats. Sphynx, Bengal, and Devon Rex are some of the more popular breeds. Because of their popularity and scarcity, these cats are more expensive than your average tabby cat.
Consider adopting a hypoallergenic cat from a shelter or rescue group if you’re on a tight budget. Many shelters have cats of all breeds for adoption at reduced prices. Purebred or mixed-breed cats with hypoallergenic fur may also be found in shelters.
Before making your decision, do your research and understand the costs associated with caring for a cat, regardless of breed. Cats can live long and healthy lives if they are properly cared for, but it comes at a price.

Q3. What is the best breed of cat for someone with cat allergies?

It can be difficult to find the best breed of cat for you if you have cat allergies. Some breeds, however, may be better suited for people with allergies.
The Siberian cat is the first. This breed is known for producing fewer allergens than other cats. They also have a thick coat that traps allergens, making them less likely to cause allergic reactions in allergy sufferers.
It can be difficult to find the best breed of cat for you if you have cat allergies. Some breeds, however, may be better suited for people with allergies.
The Devon Rex or Cornish Rex are also excellent choices. These cats have short coats and produce less dander than other breeds. They also groom themselves less frequently, so there is less chance of an allergic reaction from their fur or saliva.
Finally, the Balinese cat is an excellent choice for allergy sufferers. This breed’s coat is long and silky, trapping allergens and keeping them away from your skin and lungs.

Q4. Is there a 100% hypoallergenic cat?

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a cat that is completely hypoallergenic. Allergens, which are proteins that can cause allergic reactions in humans, are produced by all cats. Certain cat breeds, however, produce fewer allergens than others. Balinese, Bengal, Devon Rex, Javanese, Oriental Shorthair, Russian Blue, and Siberian are among them.
These cats have less dander and may be better suited for people who suffer from allergies. Furthermore, regular grooming and bathing can help reduce the number of allergens produced by your cat. If you decide to get one of these cat breeds and still experience allergic reactions, you may want to consider purchasing an air purifier or using allergen-reducing products such as special shampoos or sprays.
Finally, if you have allergies, you should meet any potential cats before bringing them home to ensure they won’t aggravate your symptoms.

Q5. Are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?

The short answer is that Bengal cats are hypoallergenic in general. This is due to a low level of the Fel d 1 protein, which is responsible for many people’s allergies. Bengals also have lower dander production than other breeds, which can help reduce allergy symptoms.
It is important to note, however, that no cat is completely hypoallergenic, and everyone’s allergies are unique. Even though the chances of allergic reactions are much lower in Bengal cats than in other breeds, some people may still experience them. Before bringing any pet into your home, it is best to conduct an allergy test.
Overall, Bengal cats can make excellent pets for allergy sufferers if they take the necessary precautions and become acquainted with the breed first.

Q6. Are ragdoll cats hypoallergenic?

Regrettably, ragdoll cats are not hypoallergenic. They have a medium-length coats and the same amount of dander as other cats. If you have allergies, you should look for a breed that is known to be hypoallergenic.
That being said, if you still want a ragdoll cat but are allergic to them, there are some precautions you can take. First, keep your home clean and free of dust and pet dander. Vacuum frequently and install air purifiers throughout the home. You can also bathe your cat on a regular basis with an allergy-friendly shampoo.
Regrettably, ragdoll cats are not hypoallergenic. They have a medium-length coats and the same amount of dander as other cats. If you have allergies, you should look for a breed that is known to be hypoallergenic.
Finally, discuss with your doctor which medications or treatments may help you manage your allergies while living with a ragdoll cat. It is possible to live happily with this beautiful breed of cat if proper precautions are taken.

Q7. Do allergy free cats exist?

Unfortunately, no cat is completely free of allergies. Dander and saliva are produced by all cats and can cause allergic reactions in some people. Certain breeds, however, may be better for those with allergies. The hypoallergenic Siberian cat produces fewer allergen-causing proteins than other breeds. Non-shedding cats, such as the Devon Rex or Sphynx, are also available and may help reduce allergens in your home.
Overall, while there is no such thing as an allergy-free cat, it is possible to reduce the amount of allergens in your home by conducting research and selecting the right breed for you. Visit a few different shelters or breeders to find the best match for your family!

Q8. How expensive is a hypoallergenic cat?

The price of a hypoallergenic cat varies greatly depending on the breed and where it is purchased. In general, you should expect to pay between $500 and $3,000 for one of these cats. Some breeds may be more expensive than others, and prices may also be affected by the reputation or location of the breeder.
Do some research and locate a reputable breeder who specializes in hypoallergenic cats. Before making a purchase, inquire about their breeding practices and the health tests they’ve performed on their cats. Before bringing the cat home, make sure it is healthy and has received all necessary vaccinations.
Finally, while a hypoallergenic cat may be more expensive than other breeds, the peace of mind that comes with knowing you won’t have any allergic reactions is well worth the price.

Q9. Can I live with a cat if I’m allergic?

Yes, if you are allergic to cats, you can live with them. It just takes a little more effort and dedication.
To begin, there are a few things you can do to make living with a cat less stressful for your allergies. Invest in an air purifier to help filter your home’s air, and vacuum frequently to reduce the amount of dander that accumulates. Bathe your cat on a regular basis to help keep allergens at bay.
Second, it’s critical to look after yourself when you have a pet allergy. Take antihistamines as needed and avoid contact with the cat as much as possible. If you must be near them, wearing a face mask or using an inhaler can help alleviate symptoms.
Finally, don’t forget that having a pet can be extremely rewarding and enjoyable. Those with allergies can live happily alongside cats with a little extra effort and care.

Q10. How can I own a cat if I have allergies?

Owning a cat with allergies can be difficult, but it is doable! The first step is to figure out what kind of cat you’re allergic to. If you are allergic to all cats, you may be unable to own one. However, if you are only allergic to certain breeds or types of cats, you can take some precautions to alleviate your symptoms.
Choosing a hypoallergenic breed of cat is one way to reduce your allergy symptoms. These cats produce fewer allergens than other breeds, which may help you avoid allergic reactions. Regular grooming and vacuuming can also help keep fur and dander under control. Purchasing an air purifier and using dust-mite covers on your bedding may also help to alleviate your symptoms.
Finally, before purchasing a cat, consult with your doctor. They may be able to give you additional advice or prescribe medication to help relieve your allergy symptoms when you are around cats.

Q11. Are cat allergies forever?

Unfortunately, cat allergies are frequently a lifelong problem. The majority of people who have cat allergies are allergic to proteins found in cats’ saliva, urine, and dander. This means that if you’re allergic to cats, you’re likely to be allergic for the rest of your life.
However, there are ways to manage your cat allergy symptoms and continue to enjoy having cats in your life. Keep cats away from areas where you spend a lot of time, such as your bedroom or living room, if at all possible. To help reduce airborne allergens, vacuum on a regular basis and consider using air purifiers with HEPA filters. You should also consult your doctor about medications or other treatments that can help alleviate your allergy symptoms.
Finally, managing cat allergies is all about figuring out what works best for you and taking steps to reduce exposure and symptoms.


In conclusion, we hope you now have a detailed knowledge of the 11 hypoallergenic cat breeds for adoption. Adopting a hypoallergenic cat is a great way to get the companionship and unconditional love that cats provide without having to worry about allergies.

There are also other amazing hypoallergenic cats out there, you’re sure to find one that is right for your home. Be sure to do your research and find an ethical breeder or rescue organization to ensure you are getting a healthy, happy pet.

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