Are Lynx Point Siamese Cats Hypoallergenic?

are siamese cats hypoallergic and a siamese cat picture in the background

If you’re a cat lover who suffers from allergies, you may have heard about hypoallergenic cat breeds. These breeds are thought to produce fewer allergens than other cats, making them a good option for people who are allergic to cats.

One breed that is often mentioned in this context is the Lynx Point Siamese. But are Lynx Point Siamese cats really hypoallergenic? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at this question.

What are Lynx Point Siamese Cats?

Lynx Point Siamese cats are a specific type of Siamese cat. They are named after their distinctive coat pattern, which is similar to that of a wild lynx.

Lynx Point Siamese cats have light-colored bodies with darker points on their ears, tail, and legs. The Lynx Point pattern can occur in both short-haired and long-haired Siamese cats.

What Causes Cat Allergies?

Before we can answer the question of whether Lynx Point Siamese cats are hypoallergenic, we need to understand what causes cat allergies. Cat allergies are caused by a protein called Fel d 1, which is found in a cat’s saliva, urine, and dander (dead skin cells).

When a cat grooms itself, it spreads saliva and dander on its fur, which can then become airborne and cause an allergic reaction in sensitive individuals.

Are Lynx Point Siamese Cats Hypoallergenic?

The short answer to this question is no, Lynx Point Siamese cats are not hypoallergenic. Like all cats, they produce Fel d 1 protein, which can trigger allergic reactions in some people.

However, some people with cat allergies report that they are able to tolerate certain breeds better than others. This is where the idea of hypoallergenic cat breeds comes from.

What Makes a Cat Hypoallergenic?

The term “hypoallergenic” is somewhat misleading, as there is no such thing as a completely allergen-free cat. However, some cats are thought to produce fewer allergens than others. This can be due to a variety of factors, including:

  • Low shedding: Cats that shed less may produce fewer allergens because there is less dander on their fur.
  • Less grooming: Cats that groom themselves less may produce fewer allergens because there is less saliva on their fur.
  • Different coat types: Some breeds have coats that are less likely to trap dander, which can reduce the amount of allergens in the environment.
  • Different genetics: Some cats may produce less Fel d 1 protein due to genetic factors.

Why Are Lynx Point Siamese Cats Sometimes Considered Hypoallergenic?

There are a few reasons why Lynx Point Siamese cats are sometimes considered hypoallergenic. Firstly, Siamese cats in general are known for being low shedders, which means they may produce less dander than other breeds.

Additionally, Lynx Point Siamese cats have a shorter coats than some other Siamese varieties, which may also help to reduce allergen production.

Finally, some people with cat allergies report that they are able to tolerate Siamese cats better than other breeds.

Can People with Cat Allergies Live with Lynx Point Siamese Cats?

Just because Lynx Point Siamese cats are not completely hypoallergenic doesn’t mean that people with cat allergies can’t live with them. Some people with mild cat allergies are able to tolerate Lynx Point Siamese cats, especially if they take steps to reduce allergen exposure. These steps can include:

  • Keeping the cat out of certain rooms in the house, such as the bedroom.
  • Vacuuming and dusting frequently to reduce the amount of dander in the environment.
  • Bathing the cat regularly to remove dander and saliva from the fur.
  • Using air purifiers and HEPA filters to reduce airborne allergens.

It’s important to note that there is no guarantee that these measures will completely eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction. People with severe cat allergies may still experience symptoms even with these precautions in place.


In conclusion, Lynx Point Siamese cats are not hypoallergenic, as they produce the Fel d 1 protein that can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. However, some people with cat allergies report that they are able to tolerate Lynx Point Siamese cats better than other breeds, possibly due to their low shedding and shorter coat.

If you have cat allergies and are considering getting a Lynx Point Siamese cat, it’s important to take steps to reduce allergen exposure and to be prepared for the possibility of allergic reactions.

Thank you for reading this article.


Q1. Are Lynx Point Siamese cats a good choice for people with cat allergies?

While some people with cat allergies report being able to tolerate Lynx Point Siamese cats better than other breeds, there is no guarantee that they will not trigger an allergic reaction.

Q2. Do Lynx Point Siamese cats shed less than other breeds?

Siamese cats, in general, are known for being low shedders, and Lynx Point Siamese cats have shorter coats than some other Siamese varieties, which may help to reduce allergen production.

Q3. Can regular bathing help to reduce allergen production in Lynx Point Siamese cats?

Yes, bathing the cat regularly can help to remove dander and saliva from the fur, which can reduce the amount of allergens in the environment.

Q4. Are there any completely hypoallergenic cat breeds?

No, there is no such thing as a completely allergen-free cat breed. However, some breeds are thought to produce fewer allergens than others.

Q5. What should I do if I have severe cat allergies but want to adopt a cat?

If you have severe cat allergies, it’s important to speak with an allergist before adopting a cat. They can help you determine whether it’s safe for you to have a cat and provide advice on how to reduce allergen exposure.

1 thought on “Are Lynx Point Siamese Cats Hypoallergenic?”

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