21 Cat Breeds That Act Like Dogs [Why And How]

cat breeds that act like dogs

In this article, we’ll uncover 21 cat breeds that act like dogs. Cats and dogs have long been rivals, but it may surprise you to learn that many cats actually act like dogs.

These 21 cat breeds exhibit a wide range of adorable canine-like behaviors, from fetching toys to eagerly greeting their owners at the door.

But why do cats behave like this? The answer lies in their unique histories and individual personalities. Let’s now learn about these cat breeds in detail.

Introduction: Cat Breeds That Act Like Dogs

Cats are known for their independent nature and aloofness, but did you know that some cats have the same personality traits as dogs?

Cat breeds that act like dogs have become increasingly popular among pet owners, who want to experience the companionship of a feline with more canine-like behavior.

Cat breeds that act like dogs are great options for those looking for a loyal companion in their home. These furry friends provide unconditional love while also being self-sufficient, which keeps them entertained throughout the day.

Let’s now jump into the exploration phase of these 21 cat breeds.

21 Cat Breeds With Dog Like Behavior

These 21 cat breeds that act like dogs are listed below:

  1. Ragdoll
  2. Siamese
  3. Bengal
  4. Cornish Rex
  5. Savannah
  6. Burmese
  7. Abyssinian
  8. American Shorthair
  9. Balinese
  10. Bombay
  11. Chausie
  12. Devon Rex
  13. Havana Brown
  14. Maine Coon
  15. Japanese Bobtail
  16. Oriental Shorthair
  17. Pixiebob
  18. Ragamuffin
  19. Singapura
  20. Somali
  21. Tonkinese

1. Ragdoll

Ragdoll cats are one of the most unique and special cat breeds in the world. They’re known for their:

  1. Gorgeous coats
  2. Sweet personalities
  3. Incredibly affectionate with their owners

It makes them one of the best cat breeds that act like dogs.

These cats are usually quite large compared to other domesticated cats, with males typically reaching weights of up to 20 pounds. However, don’t let their size intimidate you, as they have a very gentle disposition and love nothing more than snuggling up with their owners on the couch or getting lots of cuddles. And because they’re so docile, they can even be trained to walk on leashes!

If you’re looking for an intelligent and loving cat breed that’s great for families, then look no further than Ragdoll cats.

2. Siamese

Siamese cats are a unique and beloved cat breed that many people find irresistibly charming. These are the cat breeds that act like dogs and are actually larger than most other breeds of cats.

Yes, it’s true, these beautiful cats can be trained to do tricks, fetch toys, and come when called.

They also form strong bonds with their owners that go far beyond what is typical of other breeds. So if you’re looking for a pet that will provide you with:

  • Independence of a cat
  • The loyalty of a dog

Then look no further than the friendly Siamese. These extraordinary cats have personality plus, making them ideal companions for those who love getting lots of attention from their furry friends.

3. Bengal

Bengal cats are one of the most unique and extraordinary cat breeds in the world. If you’re looking for a furry companion, that is:

  1. Loyal
  2. Affectionate
  3. Bold personality

Then a Bengal cat might be the perfect pet for you.

These cats have been described as “dog-like” because of their fun-loving spirit and intelligence. They can be trained to do tricks just like dogs, such as fetching toys or rolling over on command.

Bengals also love playing with water and enjoy interacting with their owners. With their striking coats and beautiful eyes, Bengals are sure to capture your heart—and they may even come when you call them!

Since these cats have so much energy, they don’t do well in apartments or small living quarters; they need lots of space to run around in order to stay happy and healthy.

4. Cornish Rex

Have you ever wanted a pet that acts like a dog but also looks like a cat? Then the Cornish Rex is the perfect breed for you. This rare and unique breed of cat has some amazing characteristics that set it apart from other cats.

The Cornish Rex is almost identical to Egyptian cats. It has:

  1. Long slender body
  2. Curly coat
  3. Huge ears

Its coat is extremely soft and fluffy, even more so than other breeds of cats, making it perfect for snuggling up on cold winter days.

What distinguishes this breed is its peculiar behavioral characteristics.

These cats behave in many ways similar to dogs. They love playing fetch, they’re incredibly loyal to their owners, and they even bark instead of meowing. All these qualities make them an ideal family pet that will keep you entertained for hours.

5. Savannah

Savannah cats are the perfect pet for animal lovers looking for a unique breed of cat with an incredibly special personality! These feline friends are known for their:

  • Intelligence
  • Loyalty

It makes them one of the most popular cat breeds that act like dogs. Savannah cats are also known to be energetic and interactive with their owners, making them great companions.

These wild-looking cats have many distinct features that make them stand out from other breeds. Savannahs have:

  1. Tall, slim bodies
  2. Large ears
  3. Striking spotted coats

They often look like miniature cheetahs. They also possess a range of vocalizations similar to those of a dog. They will “bark” when excited or alert you to an intruder.

If you’re looking for a loyal companion who is intelligent and full of personality, then the Savannah cat is right up your alley.

6. Burmese

Burmese cats are one of the most unique and amazing cats breeds out there.

These incredible felines have a personality that is like no other. Not only do these cats look beautiful, but their behavior mimics certain canine characteristics – making them the perfect breed for those looking for a mix of both worlds. This breed is known for being:

  1. Extremely Affectionate
  2. Playful

They sometimes even initiate playtime with their owners.

They also love to cuddle and can be very vocal.

They often meow back when spoken to.

Burmese cats are incredibly loyal to their family and they form strong bonds with them. Some say they act more like dogs than cats, as they’re always eager to please and follow their owners around the house – just like a pup would!

7. Abyssinian

Do cats and dogs really have to be so different? Abyssinians might make you think otherwise. These captivating cat breeds are known for their intelligence, making them one of the most trainable cats out there. If you’re looking for a pet that acts like a dog, look no further than an Abyssinian!

These cats are:

  1. Loyal
  2. Affectionate

But not overly needy – unlike some other breeds. They will greet you at the door when you come home from work, just as any pup would do.

Not only do they form attachments with their owners, but they can also be taught tricks like fetching and walking on a leash! With these social felines around, all your friends will be asking where they can get one too.

8. American Shorthair

Are you looking for a cat breed that has the loyalty and companionship of a dog? Look no further than the American Shorthair!

This friendly and affectionate breed is known for its strong bond with its owners. They are often referred to as “dog-like cats” because of their:

  • Eagerness to please
  • Intelligence
  • Ability to be trained

The American Shorthair is one of the most popular cat breeds in North America due to its adaptability and easygoing nature. It has an athletic build, large eyes, and thick fur that give it an adorable look. Not only are they loving towards humans, but they also get along great with other pets like dogs.

These amazing cats can live up to 20 years with proper care, so if you’re looking for a lifelong companion, this could be your perfect match.

9. Balinese

Are you looking for a unique cat breed that acts like a dog? Look no further than the Balinese!

This beautiful, long-haired cat is known for its active and friendly demeanor. They have:

  1. Intelligence
  2. Loyalty
  3. Outgoing personality

It’s not surprising that these cats are sometimes referred to as “dog-like”.

The Balinese originated in the United States in the 1940s when one of three littermates was identified as having characteristics distinct from those of Siamese cats. Crossing this breed with other breeds has produced:

  • Larger eyes
  • Longer fur
  • Outgoing personality

The result is an affectionate and loyal pet who loves to be around people but also enjoys playing independently. They often greet visitors at the door or follow them around while they perform household tasks. These cats are always up for cuddles too.

10. Bombay

If you’re looking for a new pet, why not consider one of the many Bombay cat breeds? This beautiful breed has a lot to offer, including:

  • Unique personality
  • Temperament that’s often compared to that of a dog

Though they don’t come equipped with a leash, these cats are surprisingly active and love attention from their owners.

They’ll follow their humans around, eagerly anticipating snuggles and pets. Not only do they enjoy being around people, but they also get along well with other animals – even dogs! If you have an existing pet at home, your Bombay is sure to get along just fine without any problems.

Bombay cats also require minimal grooming and care. All it takes is regular brushing sessions to keep them looking like the royalty they are.

11. Chausie

Chausie is one of the trendiest new pet breeds. The Chausie is a domestic cat hybrid with:

  1. Extraordinary intelligence
  2. Affectionate
  3. Loyal personality

It’s easy to train and loves spending time with its people. it’s almost like having a dog but in feline form.

The Chausie is also known for its:

  • Beautiful appearance
  • Boasting long legs
  • Powerful body

Their coats are usually short-haired or semi-long-haired, in shades of black, gray, or brown. They typically weigh between 10-15 pounds and can live up to 14 years when given proper care.

If you’re looking for an intelligent companion who loves attention and adventure, then the Chausie could be your ideal pet.

12. Devon Rex

This breed of cat is known for its unique looks and its social nature. With their:

  1. Big eyes
  2. Curly coats
  3. Mischievous personalities

These cats have won the hearts of many pet owners around the world.

The Devon Rex is an active cat with a lot of energy to burn. These cats love to play with toys and explore their environments. They are also very social and are known for being very affectionate with their owners.

In fact, some Devon Rex cats even enjoy being walked on leashes just like dogs. They will happily show off their tricks when asked and can even be trained to do simple commands such as sit or come.

These cats make wonderful companions that will keep you entertained all day long.

13. Havana Brown

If you’ve ever wanted a pet that acts like a dog but looks like a cat, then the Havana Brown is perfect for you. This unique breed of cat has the appearance of an elegant feline but loves to play fetch and enjoys cuddling with its family just like any pup would.

The Havana Brown is an intelligent and affectionate companion known for its distinctive chocolate brown coat. Despite their small size, they are incredibly active cats that need plenty of playtime and exercise to keep them healthy and happy.

They are naturally curious creatures who love exploring their surroundings, so it’s important to provide them with lots of toys and activities to keep them entertained.

These friendly felines are also very social animals that enjoy spending time with their humans or other pets in the house.

14. Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is one of the most beloved cat breed around. These cats are :

  • Affectionate
  • Smart
  • Friendly

Many people say they act more like dogs than cats.

Maine Coons are large in size, with long fluffy coats and big bushy tails. They have a calm personalities and can be trained to do tricks just like canine friends. They love interacting with their family members, whether it’s playing fetch or snuggling up for a nap.

These cats make excellent companions, as they’re always up for an adventure. Not only that, but they’re loyal and devoted to their owners – they’ll follow you around like an obedient pups. With the Maine Coon by your side, you won’t ever feel alone.

15. Japanese Bobtail

If you are looking for a furry friend to bring into your home, you should consider the Japanese Bobtail. This unique cat breed is known for its outgoing, people-oriented personality and intelligence—behaving almost like a dog.

They love to be around their humans, follow them from room to room and even participate in games.

The Japanese Bobtail is one of the oldest domestic cat breeds originating in Japan hundreds of years ago. It is also one of the most popular breeds throughout Asia.

With its iconic rabbit-like tail and striking tortoiseshell or calico coat patterns, this breed can easily stand out in any crowd. They come in various colors such as:

  • White
  • Black
  • Red
  • Tabby

These cats are extremely social and can learn tricks with time and patience.

16. Oriental Shorthair

If you’re looking for an outgoing, social cat that acts like a dog, then the Oriental Shorthair is the perfect breed for you. This lively and affectionate breed of cats loves nothing more than to be around its human family, showing off its intelligence and playful nature.

Those who own Oriental Shorthairs are sure to be entertained by their quirky behavior. From fetching small objects, greeting you at the door after long days away from home, or even playing simple games with their owners.

These cats will have you laughing in no time! But don’t let their playful attitude fool you. Oriental Shorthairs are very independent cats who enjoy exploring and being active on their own terms.

17. Pixiebob

Are you in the market for a pet that will act like a dog and look like a cat? Then you’ll be thrilled to learn about Pixiebobs.

These delightful cats are one of the most unique and beloved cats breeds around. They:

  1. Love to play fetch
  2. Have an outgoing personality
  3. Walk on a leash
  4. Follow you around
  5. Greet people at the door with their signature meow

Not only do these cats act like dogs, but they also look remarkably similar too.

They have extra-large feet that resemble those of a bobcat. Hence their name ‘Pixiebob’ – which gives them an adorable yet wild-like appearance. Combined with their muscular body frame and beautiful semi-long coats they make quite an impressive sight to behold.

18. Ragamuffin

If you want a cuddly animal companion who loves to play and will act like the perfect canine pal, then you need to meet the Ragamuffin. This adorable cat breed is one of the most laid-back kitties around. They’re affectionate, social, and friendly with everyone they meet—two-legged and four-footed alike.

Ragamuffins love nothing better than hanging out with their family and playing fetch or tug-of-war just like a dog.

These cats are also incredibly tolerant of children and other pets, making them an ideal addition to any multi-pet family.

You’ll find these wonderful cats easy to train. They love learning new tricks and can be taught many behaviors that would usually only be associated with dogs. With enough patience and plenty of treats.

19. Singapura

Singapuras are one of the smallest breeds of cats, weighing in around 5-8 pounds. But don’t let their tiny bodies fool you – these cats can act more like dogs than any other kind of feline.

From playing fetch to running up to greet their owners when they come home, Singapuras defy expectations and make excellent companions.

Their coats are also unique among felines, being short and soft with two colors: a light brown tabby on top and snow white on the bottom. Their eyes are typically an intense shade of green or gold that reflects their outgoing personalities.

They are a relatively new breed, but they have already gained a lot of popularity among cat lovers. They make excellent pets for someone who wants a small, friendly cat.

20. Somali

Somalis are one of the most unique cats breeds around. They’ve been described as having “dog-like” personalities. It’s no surprise why they’re beloved by so many cat owners.

Do you want a feline friend that acts more like a canine? Look no further than Somalis! These cats love to play, follow their humans around and cuddle up with them on the couch after a long day. They’re also:

  1. Incredibly loyal
  2. Intelligent

Perfect traits for any pet owner looking for an extra special companion.

What makes Somalis even more special is that they have gorgeous, soft coats in a variety of colors from deep reddish brown to pale cream or silver. No matter what color your Somali might be, you’ll enjoy their company.

21. Tonkinese

If you are looking for a unique cat to add some furry love and fun to your family, the Tonkinese may be just the breed for you. This adorable cat is one of the few breeds that can actually act like a dog. With its:

  1. Intelligence
  2. Outgoing personality

This beautiful feline will be sure to capture your heart.

The Tonkinese is also known for being highly intelligent and affectionate. This breed loves interacting with people, including playing fetches or learning tricks such as how to shake hands or roll over.

It has been said that these cats can even recognize their names when called upon. It’s an amazing feat for any pet. Additionally, they are very curious creatures who often explore around as most dogs do.


Q1. What breeds of cats can be trained to act like dogs?

Many cats can be trained to behave like dogs, though some breeds may be more difficult to train than others.
The intelligence of the Siamese breed makes it one of the best breeds to train. They are also very social and enjoy interacting with others, so commands will most likely be well received.
The Bengal breed is also quite intelligent and enjoys attention, making it an excellent choice if you want a cat that behaves like a dog.
Finally, the Ragdoll breed is well-known for being affectionate and docile, making them simple to train. They adore people and will even follow you around the house. Any of these breeds could make excellent companions if you are patient and consistent in your training methods.

Q2. What are some of the benefits of having a cat that acts like a dog?

Having a dog-like cat can be an extremely rewarding experience. Cats with “dog-like” personalities, for example, are more social and affectionate than the average feline. They are frequently eager to please their owners and will gladly obey commands such as “sit” or “come.”
Furthermore, these cats can be trained to play fetch, go for leash walks, and even ride in a car, all of which are normally associated with dogs! As a result, these cats make excellent companions for those seeking the loyalty of a dog without the size and shedding of a typical dog.
Additionally, having a cat that acts like a dog can help to dispel traditional stereotypes about felines and canines. These cats show that felines don’t have to be as aloof and independent as their canine counterparts; they can be just as loving and loyal.

Q3. How can I make sure my cat is getting the exercise it needs when it behaves like a dog?

Making sure your cat gets enough exercise can be difficult, especially if it exhibits dog-like behavior. Making playtime a regular part of your cat’s day is the best way to ensure it gets enough activity.
Set aside 10-15 minutes for interactive play with your cat, using toys such as feather wands or laser pointers to get your cat running and jumping. You can also introduce puzzle toys or food dispensers to keep your cat entertained and active.
Another excellent way to exercise your cat is to provide vertical spaces for them to climb, such as a tall scratching post or shelves along the wall. This will encourage your cat to jump and climb around, keeping them physically fit.
Make sure to provide plenty of hiding spots so they can explore their surroundings while remaining safe.

Q4. What are some of the disadvantages of having a cat that acts like a dog?

One of the major disadvantages of having a cat that acts like a dog is that it can be difficult to properly care for them. Cats are naturally independent creatures that do not require as much attention as dogs do. If you have a cat who behaves like a dog, he or she may require more attention than other cats and may become clingy or anxious if it is not provided.
Another disadvantage is that cats that behave like dogs may not always be able to express their needs in ways that humans can comprehend. Cats that bark or fetch, for example, may be unable to communicate when they are sick or uncomfortable. This can make it difficult for owners to provide their pets with the best possible care.
Finally, because of their higher energy levels and need for stimulation, cats who act like dogs may struggle with being confined indoors.

Q5. What cat breed acts most like a dog?

The Maine Coon cat breed is well-known for its intelligence and outgoing personality. This cat has been described as having “dog-like” characteristics, frequently displaying loyalty and affection to its owners. They are also known for their curiosity and playfulness, which makes them excellent companions for active families.
The Bengal is another breed that behaves similarly to a dog in many ways. This breed enjoys playing fetch and can learn basic tricks such as sitting and shaking hands. Bengals have a high level of energy and are very social, so they enjoy being around and interacting with people. They also have a natural affinity for water, which makes them excellent swimmers.
Finally, the Ragamuffin is a breed with dog-like characteristics. This affectionate feline enjoys cuddling up to its owners and will frequently follow them around the house like a dog.

Q6. Is there a cat that acts like a dog?

Yes, certain breeds of cats can behave like dogs.
The Bengal cat is a breed known for being very active and sociable, making them an excellent pet for those looking for a feline companion with canine-like characteristics. They enjoy playing fetch and will come when called.
The Maine Coon is another breed of cat that acts like a dog. This breed craves attention and enjoys being around people, frequently following their owners around the house as if they were puppies. They also enjoy playing games and, with enough patience and positive reinforcement, can learn tricks.
These cats, with the proper training, can make wonderful companions who behave more like dogs than cats!

Q7. What cat is closest to a dog?

The short answer is that there is no cat breed that is most similar to a dog. Certain cats, however, have personalities and behaviors more akin to dogs than to other cats.
The Maine Coon, for example, is known for its intelligence and loyalty, making it one of the most “dog-like” breeds of cats. They are also very social and playful, which are two characteristics commonly associated with dogs. They are also quite vocal and will respond to their owner’s commands.
The Bengal Cat is another breed that has been compared to a dog. This breed is outgoing and enjoys playing fetch and other interactive games. They also enjoy being around people and, like dogs, can be trained to do tricks or perform tasks.

Q8. What is the most doglike cat?

The Maine Coon is known as the “dog of cats” because of its friendly, loyal, and affectionate personality.
They are well-known for their intelligence and love of fetch, making them an excellent companion for busy households.
They also enjoy being around people, making them ideal family pets.
They not only have a dog-like personality, but they also resemble dogs due to their long fur and large size.
Many owners say their Maine Coons follow them around the house like puppies. If you want a cat with all the characteristics of a dog, the Maine Coon is an excellent choice.

Q9. What is the craziest cat breed?

The Savannah cat is one of the strangest and most unusual cat breeds. It is a hybrid breed created by combining an African Serval and a domestic cat. As a result, the cat has large ears, long legs, and a spotted coat. They are extremely active cats that can even be taught to walk on a leash!
The Lykoi cat is another unusual breed that appears to be straight out of a horror film. These cats have sparse fur and resemble werewolves! They are friendly, loyal cats who enjoy cuddling and playing with their owners.
Finally, the Peterbald is a very uncommon breed of hairless cat. These cats are born bald but can grow fur as they get older. They are extremely active cats who enjoy exploring and climbing around the house.

Q10. Are cats more intelligent than dogs?

It’s difficult to say whether cats or dogs are more intelligent. Both species have distinct advantages and disadvantages.
Cats are more independent than dogs when it comes to problem-solving. They can figure out how to open cabinets, turn on faucets, and even escape from a room. Cats can learn simple commands such as “sit” and “come,” though they may not always obey.
Dogs, on the other hand, are widely regarded as more trainable than cats because they are social animals that thrive on human interaction. Dogs can learn complex tasks such as agility courses and search-and-rescue missions that cats cannot. They also have an uncanny ability to recognize and respond to human emotions.
In the end, it all comes down to the individual animal and its unique strengths and weaknesses. Cats and dogs can both be extremely intelligent in their own ways!

Q11. What cat breed looks like a husky?

The Siberian Cat is a cat breed that looks a lot like a husky. This breed has a thick, fluffy fur coat and an athletic body shape that resembles its canine counterpart.
The Siberian Cat comes in a range of colors and patterns, from black and white to red and cream. It usually has blue or green eyes and pointed ears.
Another cat that resembles a husky is the Norwegian Forest Cat. This breed has a long, thick coat of fur that resembles that of a bear cub. It has an athletic body shape as well, with long legs and large paws. Its eyes are usually yellow or hazel, and its ears are pointed like the Siberian cats.
The Maine Coon is the largest domestic cat breed, and some say it resembles a miniature husky.


In conclusion, we hope you now have a detailed knowledge of these 21 cat breeds that act like dogs. Cats can be just as loyal, attentive, and affectionate as dogs.

All of these 21 cat breeds have been proven to act like dogs with their endearing qualities and unique personalities. From the serious lap cats to the bouncy adventurers, there’s no doubt that cats can make excellent companions for anyone looking for a furry friend. With some patience and guidance, you can find a perfect fit that is both loving and devoted.

Do feel free to visit our other posts as well to grasp more cat-related information. Thank you for reading this article.

4 thoughts on “21 Cat Breeds That Act Like Dogs [Why And How]”

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