Why Cat Vomit [Top Reasons And Best Solutions]

why cat vomit

Have you ever thought of why cat vomit? It might make you sad by watching your beautiful cat get sick. In this article, we’ll discuss the main reasons why cats vomit. Some reasons include digestive issues or eating too much. Let’s go through these causes and discuss them in detail.

Why Cat Vomit?

When the content of the stomach is ejaculated forcibly through the mouth then this is called vomiting. 

It might make you feel really bad to see your cat vomit and making it worse might be that the cat vomits on something that is special to you. But the most important of all is the health of your beautiful feline friend, so it should be your first priority to find the reasons behind the vomiting of your cat.

Bullet Points

  • Vomit can be a sign of various diseases in your cat but it’s not a disease itself.
  • Reasons behind cat vomiting include stress, consumption of spoiled food, illness, motion sickness, diabetes, liver disease, kidney failure, and others.
  • It can be gone in some time or it may be a warning of some serious problem.


Some reasons why cats vomit are given below.

Reason 1: Hairballs

See the below points:

  1. It can be the most common reason behind cat vomiting.
  2. When your cat swallows more fur and exceeds the limit of her handling capability, then hairballs occur. It makes a clump in her stomach which results in vomit.
  3. Another reason that causes it includes the quick consumption of dry food.

Reason 2: Gastrointestinal Problems

Gastrointestinal disease is another reason for vomit in cats. It happens when your beautiful feline friends’ intestines become inflamed or infected and subsequently develop ulcers.

According to the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, one of the reasons behind vomiting in cats is a swole intestine that is caused by a bacterial infection such as salmonella or E. coli.

It’s something that needs to be taken seriously because bacteria travel to other body organs which will cause infection. Seek medical attention immediately if your cat has diarrhea or bloody stools.

Reason 3: Pancreatitis (Inflammation of the Pancreas)

Another reason for vomiting in cats is pancreatitis.

Study Fact

According to the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, an inflamed or infected pancreas is the reason behind pancreatitis.

Digestion of food in your cat is done by enzymes produced by the pancreas. An inflamed or infected pancreas is unable to produce enzymes which results in no proper digestion of food in your precious cat. So this becomes one of the reasons why cat vomit.

Reasons of Pancreatitis

Reason 1. Eating Too Fast

This is also one of the reasons why cats develop pancreatitis. Eating too fast can result in pancreatitis developing in cats.

It becomes difficult to chew the food thoroughly enough while eating quickly. It results in a lot of air swallowed with food. Gases are formed when this swallowed air is mixed with an acid that is present in the stomach. As a result, the stomach gets expanded due to these gases which trigger pancreatitis.

Reason 2: Diet Changes/Sensitivity

Changing in diet can also result in pancreatitis. It’s because the pancreas needs some time to adjust itself to the changed cat’s diet. In the meantime, it may not be able to process new substances immediately.

A change in diet is not good for the pancreas as sometimes it may have to process some substances that it’s sensitive to, which may result in pancreatitis.

Reason 3: Arthritis Chronic pain

This pain can also be one of the reasons to trigger pancreatitis in your lovely cat. The need for pain medications is important for those cats who are suffering from arthritis chronic pain. Consult with your veterinarian regarding how to safely administer the process of medication.

Side effects of these pain medications can sometimes result in upset stomach and inflammation. Cats taking pain medications who have chronic pain are more vulnerable to pancreatitis.


Your feline friend having pancreatitis needs to spend some days in the hospital as his/her body needs time to recover. In the meantime, he/she will be given intravenous fluids, pain medication, and antibiotics. If not taken seriously and treated properly, then pancreatitis can become fatal.

Reason 4: Toxins

Toxins can also make cats vomit. As a response to toxins, the pancreas can become inflamed. Reasons include diet change or the addition of some new foods. Pancreatitis can also be caused by the toxins present in the cat’s environment. These are:

  1. Certain pesticides
  2. Paint fumes.
  3. Cleaning products
  4. Cigarette smoke

Inhalation or ingestion of these toxins inside a cat’s body can result in the pancreas being inflamed which may result in the formation of pancreatitis. This will become the reason why you’ll see your beautiful cat vomit. You should be very careful about ensuring that the environment does not include any toxins that affect your cat’s health

Why Cat Vomit: Solutions

Follow the below solutions to make your furry friend healthy.

Solution 1: Grooming Habits

Below grooming tips will prevent your cat from vomiting and also from developing pancreatitis.

  1. Brush your feline friend’s coat regularly and also prevent its stomach from creating fur balls.
  2. Check your cat’s stomach for fur or other foreign objects, remove it, and brush the area to remove any remaining fur. This inspection should be performed at least once a week. 
  3. You should brush his/her coat regularly and make sure that he doesn’t have fur balls in his stomach.
  4. Regular inspection of your cat’s teeth should also be performed. Lacking good dental hygiene may also cause developing pancreatitis. Do visit your veterinarian in case you see any signs of dental problems like tooth decay and more.

Solution 2: Food Changes

In order to ensure your cat from developing pancreatitis, a diet that contains low fats and high carbohydrates should be given to it. 

Avoid giving them dry foods as it may become the root cause of pancreatitis developed inside your furry friend if their intake of water is low. Offer your cat canned food or a diet that contains higher moisture content as compared to dry foods.

Also, reduce the food consumption of your cat if it’s obese.

Solution 3: Treating Bacterial Infections

Bacterial infections can cause pancreatitis which as result will make your cat vomit. Some infections include:

  • Urinary tract infections
  • Dental disease
  • Ear infections

Your cat’s immune system may overreact and attract the pancreas in response to these infections.

Your vet will likely perform some blood tests to check the level of pancreatic enzymes after the treatment of any bacterial infections. These enzymes are responsible to aid in digestion. These enzymes may become the reason to produce inflammation in other organs such as kidneys, heart, and brain when the pancreas is inflamed.  

High levels of these enzymes may result in organ failure if they are not treated properly. So give your cat proper treatment in order to regain its health and also stop it from vomit that is triggered from it.

Solution 4: Slow Feeders

Prevention of bloating in cats can be done by slow feeders. The reason is that eating during eating fat, the air is also inhaled inside the stomach which becomes the reason for gas. This may result in the expansion of the stomach which in turn forms a bloated stomach.

Solution 5: Feeding Multiple Meals

Multiple meals throughout the day are preferred if you don’t want your cat to have an upset stomach and trigger vomiting. One large meal can convert this nightmare of your cat’s vomiting into reality.

Solution 6: Drink Water

Cats should have access to fresh water at all times. Gulping down large amounts of water at once can lead to a bloated stomach, so be careful with that as well.

Solution 7: Feeding Dry Food

A good rule of thumb specified that the diet of your beautiful furry friend should contain 10 percent or less moisture content. So provide your cat with dry fruits/foods of supreme quality that contain enough moisture.

Solution 8: Diet Change/Hypoallergenic Food

Don’t linger on your cat in places where grains and other fillers are present. If not, then a bloated stomach and vomiting may be the result that generates from it.

Solution 9: Exercise

Overweight cats have the ability to make their stomach upset and vomit. So it’s necessary to make them exercise. Some benefits include:

  • It helps in weight control, good digestion, and awesome blood circulation.
  • Daily workouts for cats are also very beneficial to prevent pancreatitis which may occur in those who live their lives and begin lazily.
  • Exercises also boost health and reduce the stress of your cute cat.
  • It’ll make your cat fit, and agile, and create a strong bond between you and your furry friend.

Solution 10: Diet

Get your cat used to a diet that will make it lose weight and maintain a healthy one. If you want your cat to say goodbye to obesity then don’t hesitate to follow the below steps:

  • Small portions of food.
  • Treats and snacks should be reduced.
  • Give your chicken or fish which are a good source of lean protein.
  • Switch dry foods with wet ones. Cats eat wet food slower as compared to dry food.

Follow these tips and they’ll help in the prevention of vomiting in your beautiful cat. Also, it may become the shield against pancreatitis.


Q1. What is the cause of cat vomiting?

Some causes that trigger vomiting in cats include:
1. Eating fast results in a bloated stomach thus causing vomiting.
2. Infection or an underlying medical condition such as diabetes or kidney disease
3. Stress or anxiety
4. Diet that is hard to digest for your cute cat
5. Not drinking enough fresh water
6. Skipping body exercises

Q2. What are the top reasons for cat vomiting?

The top reasons that cause cats to vomit are as follows:
1. Hairballs causes due to the swelling of too many hairs by your cat.
2. Parasites like tapeworms or roundworms can also become the reason for your cat vomit.
3. Infections such as feline distemper or feline panleukopenia can also trigger vomiting.
4. Dietary indiscretion is when your sweet cat eats something that is inappropriate for its stomach.

Q3. What are the best solutions for cat vomiting?

It all depends on the root cause of why your cat is vomiting. Some reasons along with their solutions are as follows:
1. If the reason is an infection, then its cure may include using appropriate antibiotics.
2. If the diet is the cause of it, then provide your precious cat with food that it can easily digest and not cause any health problems.
3. Consult with a veterinarian in case the cause is unknown.
4. Don’t let your feline friend stay dehydrated. Always provide them with fresh water.
5. Feel free to give them moist foods in smaller portions instead of dry foods.
6. Develop a habit in them to exercise daily so their bodies stay healthy, promote good blood circulation, and prevent vomiting and diseases to develop within them.

Q4. What should I do if my cat is vomiting?

It may be a sign of a serious medical condition or it may just be a simple vomit. In either case, do consult with your veterinarian and diagnose the health of your precious furry friend.
Give your cat the prescribed food. Also, don’t forget to give your cute buddy fresh water for better health and to prevent dehydration.

Q5. Is it normal if my cat vomits?

Although it’s normal for cats to vomit but don’t take it lightly as cats are sensitive animals. The reason for cats’ vomiting may be by eating fast or changing their diet.
If your cat is vomiting too much then do visit your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis of the cause behind it.
Do follow the prescribed food and always make them drink fresh water.

Q6. Types of cat vomit and what it means?

Let’s talk about some types of cat vomit and what they say about cats’ health. See below:
1. Yellow bile is the most common one. Reasons for its formation include hairballs or an empty stomach. Regular vomiting of yellow bile is giving you a warning that your cute cat has some underlying medical condition such as a disease of liver or pancreatitis so better consult with your veterinarian.
2. Food mixed with mucus and/or blood is another type of cat vomit. The cause may be an infection such as feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) or cancer. Blood in your cat’s vomit is a clear indication to take your cat to a veterinarian, diagnose its health and perform the required treatment.
3. Presence of white material or foam in your cat’s vomit may be of hairballs, parasites, or even indicate kidney disease.


Hopefully, you now have a detailed knowledge of the reasons why cat vomit and how to properly treat it. Also, you now know how to prevent your beautiful furry friend from developing pancreatitis.

We’ve also learned that a vomiting cat may signal an alert regarding a medical issue so it needs to be diagnosed as soon as possible.  

Hope you like this article and have learned a lot from it. Feel free to share it with others. Thank you for reading it.

2 thoughts on “Why Cat Vomit [Top Reasons And Best Solutions]”

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